33% of recent cannabis users say they’ve driven behind the wheel: Poll

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A new survey, conducted in January 2022 by EKOS for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada and more recently published online, indicates that 33% of Canadian cannabis users in the past year have driven while impaired.

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The survey also indicates that among Canadians who have used cannabis at some point in their life, approximately 26% say they have driven after using it.

When asked about this risky behavior, 10% said they didn’t know or didn’t feel informed enough about the risks.

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Another 39% said they felt no impairment and another 23% said they felt they could drive safely.

As for passengers, just under 30% said they had traveled in a vehicle when they knew the driver was under the influence of weed.

Another 86% of respondents, including non-cannabis users, agreed that pot harms those who drive.

The EKOS survey looked at 2,193 responses, including 447 young people aged 16-24 and 404 parents of young people (aged 16-24) with a margin of error of +/- 2.09%. Ten percent of responses were collected by mobile phone, 15% by interview and the remainder by online self-administration.

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